The number 40 was mentioned in a recent research as a percentage of people who are obese in the United States for the period of the last three decades. This number, 40 percent, is not a large number, but alarming. It suggests that a quick solution must be found immediately. There are many weight loss products on the market that the industry offers only for making profit.

They have become popular among the people in the United States thanks to the industry’s taking advantage of this problem. These products and supplements are generally inefficient and what is even worse, they are dangerous and harmful. Fortunately, numerous people have started turning toward natural solutions of this problem.


According to health practitioners, the first step these people should do is returning the natural balance of the body if they want to lose weight. They also say that the body is going to bring back its normal weight when it becomes balanced and healthy, and it can become balanced and healthy only by consuming vegetables, fruits and herbs which serve to this end. Even more, the weight loss experts have found a certain banana beverage.

Here is the recipe of this banana beverage and its nutritional facts, because you always need to know what you consume.

Banana drink recipe


  • a cup of frozen blueberries
  • half a cup of baby spinach
  • some ice
  • one tablespoon of ginger, grated
  • two tablespoons of flaxseed, freshly grounded
  • One frozen ripe banana

Instructions to quick preparation: blend all ingredients together and make a smoothie that can replace either of your meals, the breakfast, the lunch or the dinner.

Nutritional Benefits

Bananas are abundant in antioxidants, natural sugars, fiber, potassium and other beneficial ingredients that nourish and refresh your body. They also balance the level of blood sugar. Banana is also very efficient in providing healthy digestion, helping thus your body to better absorb all the nutrients. This is important also because a body that is well-nourished does not crave junk foods and shows you when you are full. This beverage also contains ginger, one of the plants with the greatest medicinal features and effects. It improves the metabolism and suppresses the appetite.

Even though this beverage has different results in different people, there are many people who claim to have tried this beverage and lost 2-4 pounds in several days. Still, it is questionable whether these lost pounds are lost fat or lost water. Not only it has metabolic benefits, this beverage also improves the skin, the dieters report.

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The number 40 was mentioned in a recent research as a percentage of people who are obese in the United States for the period of the last three decades. This number, 40 percent, is not a large number, but alarming. It suggests that a quick solution must be found...