Lavender has been used from ancient times and has maintained its popularity to the present day. This popularity comes from its fragrance and its therapeutic features, and it is also good for bees. Nowadays it is widely used as a spice because it gives great taste to many dishes.

Lavender can be used if one has sleeping issues. This is what you can do: before going to bed, inhale the aroma of lavender and it will help you fall asleep easier and sleep better. You can either leave open a bottle of lavender oil near your bed or elsewhere in your room (it would be safer if you leave the bottle on a plate so it won’t spill over), you can also use a diffuser or one of those oil burners where you take few drops of lavender essential oil, or you can take actual lavender flowers and put them under the pillow or somewhere near and enjoy in the aroma the whole night through.

How To Make Lavender Lemonade To Get Rid Of Headaches And Anxiety

Many have confirmed that this aroma relaxes and makes you sleep better, even when you are stressed too much and helps when you have troubles with headaches.

Lemons are also very healthy fruit, and their benefits are already well-known to everyone. They are also widely used in food, cosmetics, medicine etc.

When it comes to the honey you will use in this lavender, try finding local, raw honey. You should also be careful not to use hot water when dissolving the honey, because temperature changes some of its features.


  • 1 cup of raw honey
  • 5 cups pure water
  • 1 tbsp dried, culinary lavender or ¼ cup fresh, crushed blossoms)
  • 1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • Ice cubes
  • Lavender springs for garnish


  1. Put half of the water in a pan and wait until it boils
  2. After you have removed the water from heat, add the honey and stir until it dissolves
  3. Add the lavender in that water, cover it and wait for about 20 minutes, or a couple of hours, depending on the taste you want it to acquire
  4. Take off the lavender
  5. Pour it in a glass pitcher
  6. Add the lemon juice and the remaining water and stir
  7. Put it in the fridge and wait for it to get cold, or pour it in glasses and add some ice cubes, and garnish the drink with the lavender springs
  8. Sit, relax and enjoy in the great, refreshing taste

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Sources: HealthyHealthHealthy DrinksNatural RemediesRecipes
Lavender has been used from ancient times and has maintained its popularity to the present day. This popularity comes from its fragrance and its therapeutic features, and it is also good for bees. Nowadays it is widely used as a spice because it gives great taste to many dishes. Lavender...