Numerous people deal with gastric acid on a daily basis and take omeprazole, a drug that is most commonly prescribed when it comes to solving this problem.

For a short time, omeprazole is efficient for some people, but for some, it is hardly the fix it is often sold as.

The reason that it is not that efficient is that it changes the bacteria content in the gut, but there is another reason as well. The second one is the fact that this drug represents a large health hazard.

To be more specific, omeprazole can hinder the ability of the body to intake and absorb vitamin B12.

The lack of vitamin B12 in the body can have major consequences, such as:

– Anxiety

– Anemia

– Depression

– Damage of the central nervous system

– Neurological damage that leads to degenerative ailments such as dementia

– Depletion in the red blood cell count

Moreover, omeprazole can lead to calcium loss in the body, known as osteoporosis, or brittle bone syndrome. This condition makes the person who suffers from it susceptible to fractures and breaks. In addition, the lack of calcium in the body can further cause:

– Muscle problems

– Chronic fatigue

– Raised risk of respiratory issues, including shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, congestion, wheezing, and hyperventilation

The scientists from the Kaiser Permanente Institute based in the United States of America have conducted a study on the dangers omeprazole has to the health. During this study, 26,000 test subjects were observed every day. The test subjects consumed different amounts of omeprazole within a period of two years. It was confirmed that the study participants who consumed omeprazole faced an increased risk of vitamin B12 deficiency by as much as 65 percent, compared to the individuals who do not use the medication. Do you find this alarming?

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Source: HealthyHealthRecipescover-up,ends,gastric,life,omeprazole,protector,shocking
Numerous people deal with gastric acid on a daily basis and take omeprazole, a drug that is most commonly prescribed when it comes to solving this problem. For a short time, omeprazole is efficient for some people, but for some, it is hardly the fix it is often sold as. The...