Hardly have you ever wondered what would happen if you started eating dates every day. It is mostly because not many people are aware of the health benefits of dates, which are excellent. Here is what would happen if you start eating three dates a day.

The nutrient-rich date

Dates have amazing nutritional benefits. Besides copper, potassium, manganese, fiber, magnesium and vitamin B6, they contain almost all the vitamins, so you don’t have to take them anymore as supplements.

She Decided To Eat 3 Dates Daily For 12 Days. These Are The Results Of Her Experiment!

Dates improve digestive health

Your digestive system will thank you if you consume dates, especially if you have issues like IBS, constipation or other problems. Nutritionists recommend dates even for hemorrhoids. Thanks to the fiber they contain, it’s been shown that dates reduce the risk of colon cancer and more.

Dates as pain relievers and more

Magnesium is known to be anti-inflammatory, and dates are abundant in magnesium, so they relieve pain and help swelling, but they also reduce arterial inflammation and the risk of heart diseases, as well as Alzheimer’s, arthritis etc.

Dates for a healthy pregnancy

There was a research at UST about how dates affect labor and delivery. 69 women were tested and it was proven that women who ate dates during the last month of their pregnancy experience less pain at delivery. Dates are also useful for women who need to lose some weight after the pregnancy.

Dates for high blood pressure and stroke

The high level of magnesium in dates helps when it comes to issues with high blood pressure. Consuming dates regularly can make the high pressure meds unnecessary. The potassium in the dates also helps in lowering the high blood pressure, as well as in making the heart work smoother.

Many researches were conducted to see if dates affect the risk of stroke. There are more than 7 studies that show that magnesium reduces stroke risk for about 10% for every 100mg of magnesium you take in every day. This is shown in a research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Dates make the brain work better

Studies conducted for revealing the effects of dates on the brain health have shown that the brain works better if your system has enough vitamin B6. The brain health is reflected in greater focus, more accurate memories and quicker access to information. By eating dates you maintain your mind sharp and ready to learn.

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Source: www.healthandhomeremedies.com

Other sources mentioned in HealthAndHomeRemedies’s article:

http://www.non-stophealthy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/She-Decided-To-Eat-3-Dates-Daily-For-12-Days.-These-Are-The-Results-Of-Her-Experiment.jpghttp://www.non-stophealthy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/She-Decided-To-Eat-3-Dates-Daily-For-12-Days.-These-Are-The-Results-Of-Her-Experiment-150x150.jpgNon-Stop HealthyFruits & VegetablesHealthHealthy FoodNatural RemediesRecipes
Hardly have you ever wondered what would happen if you started eating dates every day. It is mostly because not many people are aware of the health benefits of dates, which are excellent. Here is what would happen if you start eating three dates a day. The nutrient-rich date Dates have...