The long shiny fibers on the top of the corn are called corn silk. They are used in medicine in cases for inflammation of the urinary system, kidney stones, inflammation of the prostate, bedwetting and bladder infections. It is also used for healing diabetes, fatigue, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.

You can harvest corn silk while the silk is tender and green and the ear of corn is still milky. It is dried in airy and cold place. It is used dried.

Corn Silk – Folk Remedy for Many Diseases

Below is a short review of corn silk, piece of the article published by a group of authors in the Molecules journal of 2012:

Corn silk (Stigma maydis) is a vital herb used by the Chinese, and Native Americans to treat numerous illnesses. It is used as traditional medicine in numerous parts of the world, for example, Turkey, United States and France. Its potential antioxidant and healthcare applications as diuretic operators, in hyperglycemia lessening, as anti-depressant and anti-fatigue utilization have been declared in a few reports. Different uses of corn silk incorporate teas and supplements to treat urinary related issues. The potential uses all that much identified with its properties and component of activity of its plant’s bioactive constituents, for example, flavonoids and terpenoids. Thusly, this survey will cover the research findings on the potential uses of corn silk in human services which incorporate its phytochemical and pharmacological exercises. Furthermore, the plant description and its toxicological studies are included as well

CS is rich in phenolic compounds, mostly flavonoids. It also has proteins, calcium, potassium, volatiles oils vitamins, magnesium and sodium salts, carbohydrates, and steroids such as sitosterol and stigmasterol, alkaloids, and saponins

(Hasanudin, K., Hashim, P., & Mustafa, S. (2012, August 13). Corn Silk (Stigma Maydis) in Healthcare: A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review. Molecules 2012).

Corn silk has been utilized worldwide since long ago, so here are some of its uses in different parts of the world (Uses of Corn Silk,

China: Diabetes, Diuretic, Dropsy, Hypertension, Gravel, Urogenital, Stomachic, Strangury;

Elsewhere: Analgesic; Antiseptic, Astringent, Diabetes, Diuretic, Liqueur, Lithontriptic, Litholytic, Panacea, Pneumonia, Shampoo, Stomachache, Tumor, Wart

Haiti: Alexiteric, Bright’s disease, Cardiac, Cystitis, Diuretic, Gout, Hepatitis, Inflammation, Intoxicant, Metritis, Nephritis, Renitis, Rheumatism, Soap, Stone, Urogenital;

Trinidad: Amenorrhea, Analgesic, Antiseptic, Diuretic, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea, Flu, Gum, Lithontriptic, Menorrhagia, Oliguria;

Turkey: Antidote (Bromine), Alterative, Anodyne, Demulcent, Diuretic, Litholytic, Stimulant, Stomachic;

U.S.: Cyanogenetic, Soap, Wart.

Preparation and Usage of Corn Silk Tea:

If you use corn silk as a tea it will cure cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, and sugar disease, eliminate sand from urine and flush out kidney stones, as well as soothes pains, rickets, cough and rheumatic.

Tea that Helps Cure All the Above-Mentioned Diseases:

  • 1 tablespoon crushed corn silk
  • 300 ml water

Boil the water with the corn silk inside for 2 minutes and after that strain the liquid. Consume this tea after every meal, 3 times daily.

Tea for Diseased Kidneys and Urinary Bladder Inflammation:

  • 3 tablespoons finely crushed/chopped corn silk
  • ½ liter of water

Put the corn silk in a container and pour it with a boiling water. Close the container and leave the tea for at least 2 hours. Then strain the liquid and drink 1 cup tea after meals, 3 times daily.

Concoction for Inflamed Kidneys and Diseases of the Heart Muscle:

  • 1 tablespoon corn silk
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped dandelion root
  • 1 tablespoon mint tea

Mix the ingredients and pour them with ½ liter of boiling water. Leave them to steep for 2 hours. Then strain the tea and consume it 3 times daily before meals.

Tea Blend for Urinary Tract Inflammation:

  • 30 g corn silk
  • 30 g elm leaves
  • 20 g flax

Mix the ingredients and pour them with ½ liter of boiling water. Leave them to steep for 2 hours. Then strain the tea and consume it 3 times daily before meals.

Tea for Heart Diseases and Protein in Urine (Albuminuria):

Pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over 6 grams of corn silk. You can drink this tea for a longer period because it cannot harm your body.

Corn silk is tightening the blood vessels and can stop the bleeding. Also, it can double or quadruple the measure of urine in 24 hours.

Consideration: Counsel with your doctor or drug specialist before using any of the aforementioned natural cures.

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Other References mentioned in Healthy Living Style’s article:

  1. Corn Silk. (n.d.) Retrieved July 19, 2015, from
  2. Hasanudin, K., Hashim, P., & Mustafa, S. (2012, August 13).Corn Silk (Stigma Maydis) in Healthcare: A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review. Molecules 2012, 17, 9697-9715; doi: 10.3390/molecules17089697. Retrieved July 19, 2015 from
  3. Uses of Corn Silk, Stigmata Maidis. (2014, April 15). Retrieved July 19, 2015, from–-Folk-Remedy-for-Many-Diseases.jpg–-Folk-Remedy-for-Many-Diseases-150x150.jpgNon-Stop HealthyHealthHealthy DrinksHealthy FoodNatural RemediesRecipescorn silk
The long shiny fibers on the top of the corn are called corn silk. They are used in medicine in cases for inflammation of the urinary system, kidney stones, inflammation of the prostate, bedwetting and bladder infections. It is also used for healing diabetes, fatigue, high cholesterol levels, high...