The food groups are grouped into three categories: highly beneficial (foods that have the effects of the medicines), Foods allowed (foods that do not cause harm to the blood type) and foods not allowed (foods that can harm the blood type and act as a poison).

The Blood Type Diet Chart!


Turmeric is the ingredient that gives the curry powder its bright yellow tint. It has mild flavor. Not only powdered, but you can also find fresh turmeric in the stores for healthy food. Turmeric is often added to curries, vegetable juices, and stews. The active ingredient of turmeric is curcumin, an ingredient with potent anti-inflammatory effects. This ingredient also works as a pain reliever. Curcumin has been proven to aid the digestive system and to relieve bloating and indigestion.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been shown to be extremely beneficial for the immune system and the digestive system. It is constituted of heat stable fats, which means that it can tolerate quite high temperatures of cooking without becoming oxidized or damaged, unlike the most of the vegetable oils. Coconut oil is abundant in medium-chain fatty acids, especially lauric acid, which is very easy to digest and which serves as an excellent energy source for the liver. Coconut oil contains good fats which promote a healthy balance of good microbes in the digestive tract and have great antimicrobial effects.

Oily fish

The rich content of omega-3 fats make the oily fish highly beneficial for promoting the production of pain-relieving prostaglandins (a type of hormones) in the body. In other words, oily fish can help ease many painful conditions including arthritis, menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, etc. fish oil is also beneficial for reducing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and blood clots, as it reduces the inflammation in the walls of the arteries. This type of fish is also abundant in selenium, a mineral which is great for people, especially for those who suffer from autoimmune diseases, as it can help them reduce the production of auto-antibodies. This mineral is also necessary for production of glutathione, the body’s own potent antioxidant. Selenium also helps the body in overcoming viral infections, and chronic, low-grade viral infections are known to be a common cause of ongoing fatigue and increased inflammation.


Another great source of healthy fats is avocado. This fruit is abundant in monounsaturated fats, fats that do not increase inflammation in the body like some omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. This fruit is also very beneficial for maintaining the health of your arteries and the healthy blood pressure. Add some avocado in your salad for lunch and it will help you feel full for longer and prevent the need for snack or some candy later.

Dark chocolate

A dark chocolate of good quality is definitely one of the healthiest foods. For a chocolate to be of good quality it means that it should consist of 85 percent of cocoa minimum. This type of dark chocolate is normally free of dairy products, and there are even brands that are free of soy lecithin, which is not recommended to be consumed, as it may be genetically modified. Usually, the chocolate high in cocoa is low in sugar. This type of chocolate has intense flavor and helps people stay away from overindulging. Its richness will make it almost impossible for you to consume too much of it.

As you see, healthy food does not have to mean boring and tasteless food. You can eliminate or reduce inflammation in your body and reap numerous health awards by consuming these delicious foods.

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Source: HealthyBeautyDiet & Weight LossHealthNatural RemediesRecipesblood type,chart,weight loss
The food groups are grouped into three categories: highly beneficial (foods that have the effects of the medicines), Foods allowed (foods that do not cause harm to the blood type) and foods not allowed (foods that can harm the blood type and act as a poison). Turmeric Turmeric is the ingredient...