People in the past, especially in the medieval ages when there were epidemics and incurable diseases going around still managed to stay healthy and to defend themselves against these issues. Do you know what their secret was?

They drank a potent beverage called Master Tonic!

The master tonic is a cleansing beverage with powerful natural antibiotic effects that kill gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in the body. It has potent antibacterial, as well as antifungal, antiviral, and anti-parasitic properties. It boosts the immune system, it improves the blood circulation and the lymph flow in the whole body, it purifies the blood, and it has even been proven to be highly effective in fighting candida infections.


Thanks to the consumption of this tonic, numerous people have recovered from bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic diseases, even plague! This is why its powerful effects should never be underestimated.

The Powerfully Beneficial Ingredients Of This Master Tonic

The secret of this tonic is actually the combination of the ingredients: they are all natural, fresh, and of high quality. Some of these ingredients originate from centuries ago and are still just as amazing today as they were back then.

Turmeric: this spice belongs to this group of super ingredients. The benefits of this orange miracle are:

  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Protection against cancer
  • Cleansing the body
  • Help in treating depression
  • Protects the heart health
  • Improves the brain health (it is even able to prevent dementia)
  • Has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties

Ginger: ginger has very similar properties and benefits as turmeric. This highly beneficial ingredient is good for:

  • Reducing the pain in the muscles
  • Improving the health of the heart
  • Reducing the levels of blood sugar
  • Helping the digestion
  • Alleviating nausea
  • For its anti-inflammatory effects
  • For its antibacterial effects
  • For its antifungal effects

Garlic: this potent antibiotic kills the harmful bacteria and keeps the friendly ones alive. This food is widely used thanks to its:

  • Antifungal effects
  • Antibiotic effects
  • Antioxidant effects
  • It improves the health of the bones
  • It fights numerous diseases
  • It improves the health of the heart
  • It regulates the blood pressure
  • It improves the athletic performance

Onion: this vegetable is very similar to garlic in both properties and benefits. They make an ideal combination for body protection. The onion:

  • Reduces inflammation into the body
  • Protects the body against free radicals
  • Helps in the production of good cholesterol
  • Regulates the levels of sugar in the blood
  • Strengthens the immunity
  • Has powerful antibiotic effects

Horseradish: this plant is very potent when it comes to treating numerous health issues, especially sinuses and lungs problems. Even though often underestimated, this food:

  • Helps in fighting colds and flu
  • Helps in clearing urinary tract infections
  • Opens up the channels of the sinuses
  • Protects against cancer
  • Has great antibiotic properties

Chili peppers: red hot chili peppers are highly beneficial not only for making a catchy name of a cool band, but mostly due to their incredible benefits. These benefits are often underrated, and they include:

  • Clearing congestion when you are sick
  • Alleviating pain in a natural way
  • Fighting inflammation
  • Strengthening the immunity
  • Protecting the cardiovascular health
  • Lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Adding to the process of weight loss

Finally, here is the main ingredient. It is apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar: this ingredient has been recommended for consumption since ancient times, and even Hippocrates, the father of the medicine, has talked about it back in 400 BC. His most recommended remedy consisted of apple cider vinegar and honey only. Apple cider vinegar is beneficial for:

  • Fighting sore throat
  • Clearing the stuffy nose
  • Reducing the cholesterol levels
  • Regulation of the blood sugar
  • Preventing indigestion and improving the digestion
  • Freshening the breath and brightening the smile
  • Losing weight
  • Prevention of leg cramps
  • Boosting the energy levels

We have seen how beneficial and potent this tonic is, so now it is time for us to see how we can prepare it.

Master Tonic Recipe

We recommend wearing gloves during the preparation of this tonic, as you will be handling hot peppers and other spicy ingredients. You should also be careful as this tonic has strong smell and it may trigger your sinuses in a moment – but you should not worry, as you will benefit from it, even while you prepare it.


  • ¼ cup of finely chopped onion
  • ¼ cup of finely chopped garlic
  • Two tablespoons of turmeric powder or two knuckles of turmeric root
  • Two tablespoons of grated horseradish
  • Two fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (but make sure you wear gloves while you clean them)
  • 24 oz organic apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ cup of grated ginger


  1. Put all ingredients, except the vinegar in a bowl and mix.
  2. After you have mixed everything well, transfer the mixture into a Mason jar
  3. This is the moment when you should add some apple cider vinegar into the mixture until you fill the jar up to the top. The tonic is best when 2/3 of the ingredients in the jar are dry, and one third is the apple cider vinegar.
  4. Close the lid well, and shake the jar.
  5. Store the jar at a dry and cool place for nearly two weeks. Do not forget to shake it a few times daily during this period
  6. Two weeks later, squeeze well and strain it using a plastic strain. If you want to obtain even better results, you can use gauze. Squeeze well and let all the juice comes out.
  7. The remaining dry mixture can be used later in cooking.

When you are done doing this, your master tonic is ready for use right away. This tonic should not be stored in the fridge, as it will last for a long time.

Extra Tip: you can utilize this tonic for cooking as well. You can add some olive oil to it and thus make salad dressing or use this mixture with your sautéed veggies.

Dosage Tips:

  • WARNING: this beverage has very string and hot taste
  • In case of a burning sensation after taking this remedy, have a slice of orange or lime
  • Gargle the tonic before swallowing it
  • Consume one tablespoon of this remedy a day so that you boost your immune system and fight cold
  • You can gradually increase the daily amount until you reach an amount of one small liquor glass per day
  • In case that you have a need to treat a more serious disease or infection, consume one tablespoon of this tonic five to six times a day
  • This tonic is also safe for consumption for pregnant women and children, however, though, in small amounts, as the ingredients are all-natural and do not contain any toxins

This beverage is really one of the most potent antibiotics. It is very efficient when it comes to fighting any of the conditions and diseases we mentioned above in the text. Maintain your health and protect it using this natural antibiotic tonic. Share this recipe in order to help and inform other people as well.

However if you don’t want to make the Master Tonic yourself, you can buy it here:

Don’t Forget To Share With Your Friends And Family On Facebook, As You Might Help Someone In Need!

Source: HealthyFruits & VegetablesHealthHealthy FoodNatural RemediesRecipes7,antibacterial,antifungal,ingredient,master,parasitic,tonic
People in the past, especially in the medieval ages when there were epidemics and incurable diseases going around still managed to stay healthy and to defend themselves against these issues. Do you know what their secret was? They drank a potent beverage called Master Tonic! The master tonic is a cleansing...